SLIVKA, Juraj. Legal – Illegal: Undesirable architecture. Supervisor of diploma thesis Akad. arch. Ing. Ján Studený – Bratislava: VŠVU, AFAD, Department of Architecture, 2015
The area of winter port in Bratislava keep after decades its peripheral character. Value of the site is dynamical intersection of shipping, rail and road transport. Diploma project builds on industrial history of locality. Apply the existing objects, defends their physical preservation, not just as building plot, … It „reconstructs“ them in the “original” form, add more volumes and functions independently to bureaucracy. Not in rules? Fit to conditions! An important factor is knowledge gaps in the law, flexibilities, legal and illegal conversion of the current state, the current needs of investor and the customers, to create conditions for production and generating another forms of undefined architecture. Its distribution can be helpfull shipping and railroad. Objects of interest are handling equipment at the port, their flexibility, limits and overlaps. Ships for carriers or permanent residence, service in the same place. However, an ambition offers a real object, flexible, provocative, responding to the social and natural risks of the site; answearing to the constant public demand and steady complications imposed by law, but solvable with bypassing.